Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tips on Getting a Novel Published

By Lanee’ Blunt
A proposal is a tool for selling a novel--

A novel proposal is the first thing that you need to get your novel published. It is a tool that will help you get your novel sold. Your proposal must look professional and make your book look publishable. Think of a novel proposal as a snapshot of your novel and it consists of a query letter, a synopsis and the first three chapters of your novel.

The novel must be completed before it can sell by proposal because it is different from selling nonfiction that can be sold with a proposal. If you are still in the first draft stage of your novel and just curious if it is marketable try to resist the temptation of shopping the book. If they are interested in the book and ask to see it, then it will be very unprofessional to say, “Well I can't send it now, but I’ll send it to you in a few months.”  Revise the novel before sending it. Make sure that you have left nothing out of place and if you are unsure of a section of the novel write it over. Check the book for typos and proofread everything before sending it.

Literary Agent
Get a literary agent to sell the book because this will give you more free time to write another novel. You won’t have to worry about the marketing end and can concentrate on what writers do best--writing. Finding a literary agent can be as hard as finding a publisher for new writers because they don’t like to take new writers on. You may find one that is just starting-up their business and looking for writers for their list.

Mail to Publishers
If you don’t have an agent it is perfectly fine to sell the book yourself. Put the following package together: cover letter, 5 to 10 page synopsis, three chapters of novel, return postage, return envelope. Mail it out to your market list. Most publishers don’t want you to simultaneous submit your novel and want you to wait before sending the package else where, but it is up to you. Some writer’s submit to three publishers at a time and others submit to one and wait.

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