Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Write a Proposal to a Fiction Publisher

By Lanee’ Blunt

You want to get your novel published. Fiction is different from non fiction being that you must write the full manuscript before you can seek publication. Make sure that your novel is completely finished before shopping it because writing a proposal before writing the book will not be acceptable unless you are a best selling author.

Write a one page cover letter about what will be included in the package. Include the editor’s name, address, and publishing company.    Describe in a five page to ten page summary, which outlines what the book is about, chapter by chapter. Hold the reader’s interest by making it sound exciting. Describe the beginning of the book, the middle, and the end. Who are the characters? Describe the genre of the book and what you believe is going to be a good selling point. For example, you can compare your novel to the other novels in the same genre.

The novel proposal will include the first three chapters of your book. Make sure you have no typos. The editor can usually make a decision by reading three chapters of your novel.

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