A new writer can submit a book to a publisher with a few tips. Here’s how to submit your proposal to a publishing house.
If you are a new writer and want to break into the publishing market, you must have a book proposal. Most publishing houses want to see only a proposal and not the full manuscript until they request it.
Write the Query Letter
A query letter is a one page letter that is addressed to the right editor. The letter explains what your book is about and should tell the whole story leaving the editor with no unsure parts about you book. You must tell the beginning, the middle and the ending. Write a synopsis of the book: a five page outline that explains what the book is about, chapter by chapter.
Three Chapters
The proposal will include the first three chapters of your book, although I have heard of people sending their best three chapters, but I prefer the first three. Make sure you have no typos and that your pages are free of any spills. The editor can usually make a decision by reading three chapters of your book whether you can write and fulfill your topic.
Market List
Get the latest edition of Writer’s Market and find a publisher that publishes the type of book that you have written. Don’t send your nonfiction book to a fiction editor. Don’t send your romance book to a mystery editor.