Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 Tips on Writing a Book

By Lanee’ Blunt
Write your book--ubik2010

Writing a book is a challenge. The writer must find time to write the book and without immediate rewards. You can write a short story in one setting or maybe in a few days, but writing a novel will take months or even a year. There is no immediate satisfaction in publishing the novel in a month so you must stay focused for as long as it takes to complete the novel.

A character sketch is an excellent way to get to know your characters. There are some writers’ that don’t sketch their characters, but in my opinion if you don’t sketch them in the beginning you will end up going back to that phase eventually. When you start with a sketch it helps you understand your character and know what they will do next. What does the protagonist look like? Where was she born? Does she lie? What is her weakness? Asking questions helps you know how your characters will react when they are put in a certain situation.

Plotting a novel is easier if you stick to the genre that you are writing for. If you are a new writer you should decide on a genre and read a few novels in that genre. Decide how you will start the story. A novel shouldn’t be started at the beginning for example, when the character was born.  Think about the action and start the novel there. How will your novel end? Make sure that you have brought all of the plates down by answering all unanswered questions. If you are going to use third-person viewpoint stay in that viewpoint and don’t switch to first or second-viewpoint in the novel. “We live our lives within a single viewpoint. We never get out of it—never really live in another person’s head and heart,” according to Jack M. Bickham, in his book, Writing and Selling Your Novel. Writing fiction is the same way you should not switch viewpoints within a given dramatic confrontation.

Write an outline for your novel. It doesn’t have to be a long outline like the one you wrote for Mrs. Tyler’s English class. Outline what will happen in each chapter.

Write every day
Set a goal. It should be a goal of not how many hours you will work a day, but on how many words you will write each day.

Jack M. Bickham; Writing and Selling Your Novel; Writer’s Digest Books

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