Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to Write a Short Story: Developing the Plot

New writers often get confused and frustrated when plotting their short story.  A short story is not difficult to plot if you understand a few tips.

By Lanee' Blunt

The plot is very important in a short story. You cannot luck up on it and suddenly things will fall into place, if that’s the case that may happen only a few times.  Plot has to be thought out carefully and planned.  Most new writers don’t know how to plot their short stories, and believe it’s a series of surprises.  It is not. According to Robert J. Ray, in his book, The Weekend Novelist, “A plot is a plan, a design, an outline.”

When plot is done correctly it leaves your reader fulfilled. It has no breaks and everything falls in place perfectly. 

When you have an idea that is all you have, because an idea must be developed into plot.  Your idea may have sparked your interest and made you want to write the story, but an idea is not plotting.

Plotting is done By Asking the Right Questions
The question “what if” helps you plot out that idea.  Take your idea and ask what if she was betrayed by a friend.  What if he was set up? What if he had to lie to get the job? Coming up with the right answers, not just the first answer that comes to your mind, but the right answer for that situation will help you plot a great story.

What Questions Do You Need to Ask
The first questions that help you plot the story are who, what, when, where, and how.  When you ask these questions write them in essay form. New writers want to jump right into writing the story and often want to skip the preliminary writing in the first stages, this is fine, but you might have to go back to this step when writing the story.

The Outline of Your Short Story
Your plot outline is not the type that Mrs. Green, your old English teacher made you write, but a series of obstacles and how your characters will overcome them.  This will let you know where you are headed.

The End of the Story Has to Be Planned
Your ending of your story should be planned.  It helps you plot the story if you know what the end is going to be because it builds toward suspense.  By the time you get to the end you should have brought all the plates down and have left nothing undone in the plot.  This is where the plot outline will help you, because it helps get the story in your mind and take a step back to rethink all of the pieces.

Writing your short story plot will get easier the more stories you write.


Robert J. Ray; The Weekend Novelist; Dell

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