Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Get a Novel Published

By Lanee' Blunt

Getting your first novel published can be a challenge. You have finished your novel, congratulations. Now it’s time to find a publisher for your first novel. Make sure that your book is the best that it can be and that it can compete with the other books in its genre.

Rewrite your novel before submitting it for publication. Most new writers think that changing a word and running each chapter through spell checker is rewriting. Rewriting consists of much more. Check your plot points for weak construction. Avoid stupid motivations for your characters. For example, if you have ever read a novel and asked yourself why in the world would the character do that? Polish the first four chapters because they are the hook of the novel.

Write the Novel Proposal
Write a one page covering letter. Include the editor’s name and address. The synopsis is a description of what your novel is about. Write who the characters are. The synopsis should to sound like the back cover of a book. Hold the reader’s interest by making it sound exciting. Describe the beginning of the book, the middle, and the end. Describe the genre of the book and what you believe is going to be a good selling point. For example, you can compare your novel to the other novels in the same genre.

Find a Publisher
Go to the library and get the latest edition of the Writer’s Market. It is a directory that list different publishing companies, addresses, and what genre they publish. Write down the addresses, and editor’s name of the listing of books under the same genre as your own book. Go to your favorite bookstore and browse through novels that are similar to your book. Copy a list from the books and write down the publisher’s address.

Send a synopsis and the first three chapters. Never send the whole manuscript unless the publisher asks for it. A novel proposal and three chapters is enough for the editor to make a decision: to ask for more or reject the package. If the proposal is rejected send it to the next publisher on your list.

Finding a publisher for your novel is possible with persistence, and if your work is commercially viable.

Writer’s Digest; Your Straight-Forward Guide to Publication; Brain Klems; 2011

Street Directory: How to Get a Novel Published-The First Step is a Query Letter; Dee Power

Jackie French: How to Get Your First Novel Published
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