Monday, January 23, 2012

Writing a Query Letter for an Article

By Lanee’ Blunt

Writing query letters is important to learn and master. They are important because they keep you out of the slush pile. One advantage of using the query letter is that it takes your manuscript from unsolicited to solicit. You don’t have to write the full article until it is requested by a magazine publisher. If the manuscript is requested there is no guarantee that it will be sold, but only that they will read it.

Read the magazine that you want to appear in. Read at least the last six copies of the magazine. Your query will be turned down if the editor has just bought the article that you are querying. So it’s best to know what type of articles they have recently purchased from freelancers.

The query letter is only an idea. You will do enough research for the query letter to prove to the editor that you know something about the subject. More research will be done when you finish the article. Have an original and interesting idea. Express freshness to the approach of a subject. Leave nothing out including how that article will end. Tell the editor where you will get your research, facts, and people you will interview.

Have you been published before? For example, I have appeared in several magazines and state the name of the articles, publication dates, and where you have appeared. If you are a new writer don’t mention it because if you can write you might still get a go ahead. Tell the editor how you are qualified to write the article.

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