Saturday, November 5, 2011

Examples of Query Letters

By Lanee' Blunt

A query letter can get your manuscript from unsolicited to solicited status. Most magazine editors read only query letters and don’t read slush-pile articles.  A writer should not send a whole manuscript.

If you are a new writer and want to sell your article to a publisher you must have a query letter.  Although, you are a new write that doesn’t mean that you can’t write a good query letter. According to John Wood’s book, How to Write Attention Grabbing Query and Cover Letters, “Editors are looking for clear signs (as many as possible) that you have honed your skills and are ready to join the team, not someone who’s just starting out and trying his hand at writing.”

A Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE)
Include a SASE with your query letter; address the envelope to yourself, and a stamp. Fold the envelope and put it in back of the query letter.  When you hear from the magazine they will send you letter in your return envelope with an acceptance or a rejection.

Slanted Query to That Magazine
Read at least the last six copies of the magazine.  Read every article and note which articles are like the one you want to write. Usually if your article is too close or the same idea it generally will be turned down. But send a query letter with an offer to produce something fresh in your articles.

Have a Great Idea
Your idea should be interesting and original. Express the freshness of your idea in the query; don’t leave anything out including the ending. Tell the editor where you will get your facts and interviews.

How Are You Qualified to Write the Article?
If you are a new writer you don’t have to mention it in the query letter. You are selling an idea to the editor. You are a writer, so write a good query. Tell the editor how you are qualified to write the article.  If you are a nurse mention that in the query if you are trying to write for a fitness magazine.

One Page Query Letter
Your query letter should be one page.  This shows the editor that you are a professional and you are able to focus on tight writing. The query is a business letter single spaced, double space between paragraphs and don’t indent your paragraphs.

You will get better the more query letters that you write.  Keep querying the magazines you want to appear in and you will one day get a go ahead.


John Wood; How to Write Attention Grabbing Query and Cover Letters;  Writer’s Digest
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